About Luke the Golden Retriever Sire

About Luke

Luke, like most Golden Retrievers, is all about play time, snuggling, food and treats!

He is a Purebred Golden Retriever born and raised in Colorado. He has a complete medical screening, and record of his orthopedic examination with no issues. He is AKC registered, fully vaccinated with a great demeanor and is available to sire.

Luke enjoys being around children and is undoubtedly the favorite neighborhood dog that everyone stops by to get a little love from. He literally at times has people waiting in line to snuggle with him at our fence.

Born April 2nd 2016, Luke has a great personality, loves to run, and enjoys his playtime with us and our neighbors.  He’s a thinker but not ornery, and has never been destructive with “our stuff”, even when he was a pup.  Luke always has that “Golden Smile“, letting us know that he is a happy boy. 

As you will see in the gallery photos, Luke has a beautiful blockhead, his fur color is what you see, and his mane is magnificent. 

Whenever we have had a female Dam in heat meet him, he knows what she’s here for and he gets right down to business. In most cases they are tied within 20 – 30 minutes (if not less) . And, he has participated in producing beautiful Golden Retriever Puppies.

We get so many people commenting on how handsome he is, and in some cases want one of his puppies should he have one.  For more information and details on Luke, Click Here.

If you would like to contact us, you can email us here or you can call us directly at (303) 335-7955.

Here are some of the photos of recent puppies born, including when Luke was a little guy.

Luke Sired puppies
Luke as a puppy
Luke the Golden Retriever puppy